Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Fashion Roadkill?

I'm not sure how I feel about the Sex and the City sequel. A lot of people thought the first film was a mistake but I actually enjoyed it and have seen it several times. I did however feel that it wrapped up beautifully and I'm not so sure where they can take it from there. Continuing to milk the SATC cash cow may lead to the fabulous foursome morphing into the Golden Girls... Samantha as Blanche, Charlotte as Rose, Miranda as Dorothy and Carrie as... Sophia? Trade in the stories of Old Sicily for Carrie's voiceover narration and we may have something here. Regardless of the naysayers, production has begun on the second film and the fashion we've seen so far runs the gamut from sublime (those shoes!) to questionable at best. Here's a peek:

That last look has me wondering if it's a flashback, perhaps back to 1987 when Carrie was channelling Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction.

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