Monday, August 30, 2010

Aces Wild

4 day week this week! And next!

I'm headed to New York City with my love for the weekend. We leave Friday morning and a couple of my girlfriends will arrive on Saturday! Definitely looking forward to lots of shopping, great food, fun bars, a little Central Park, some MoMA action and hopefully seeing our New York friends again. My boyfriend and I chose the Ace Hotel, which I am so, so excited about. Check this place out below.

So, wonderful readers: I'm looking for some New York nightlife recommendations. Feel free to share your favorite restaurants and shops too! Bring 'em on!!

images via Ace Hotel's Facebook page

Friday, August 27, 2010

Picture This

While my camera is just a super basic little point and shoot (on par with laziness as the primary reason for the rarity of original photos on this blog), I've been considering investing in something with a little more heft and seriousness. After having seen this sick satchel by Luxirare I may have to buy the camera as an excuse to buy the bag! You can pre-order the Nikon D90 bag here.

Have an amazing weekend everybody! It's supposed to be hot! Finally! xx

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Skeletons in the Closet

With the exception of these McQueen scarves, I've never really been a fan of skulls on clothing and accessories, it's just a little too Hot Topic for my taste. However, these bone and animal skull inspired jewelry pieces are gorgeously creepy and leave me wanting to get in touch with my inner bone thug.

Drew Love

A celeb post is a rarity for me, but Drew Barrymore has been absolutely killing it lately. I heart her.
images via just jared

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Blossom, Dearie

Lovely lazy, hazy sunday editorial... beats the dreary, drizzly greyness going on here! Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

numero #116 shot by Camilla Akrans via tfs

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Big Chill

I think I'll take it easy this weekend, finish up the 4th season of Dexter, maybe check out the hot air balloon thingy I have free tickets for if it doesn't get rained out. Blissful vegetation. I'll save the shopping and partying for my weekend in NYC in a couple of weeks!
Whatever your plans, or lack thereof, have a great weekend! xx

image via fashion gone rogue

Monday, August 16, 2010

Take Me Home

My boyfriend and I spent a good part of the weekend hanging art and pondering the finishing touches on our apartment. It's slowly coming together, I'm really looking forward to sharing it once I deem it shareable. So because I'm so completely in home decor mode I thought I'd share some a mini round-up of steal-worthy ideas I stumbled upon recently:
I love these little side tables made from vintage brass table lamps.

This powder-room horseshoe collection is an amazing accent, I'd love to do something similar.

This gargantuan wall clock made of little brightly hued alarm clocks is a perfectly over-the-top DIY.

Friday, August 13, 2010

No ifs ands or ruts

I am in a total fashion rut. Well, truth be told I am in a total everything rut, but since I'm still sorting all that out let's just focus on the fashion, shall we? Despite the fact that I haven't been in school for years I'm still hardwired to see Fall as the start of a new year, much more so than the actual New Years, during which I'm too frozen to do much of anything. I just hide under the duvet until spring thaw. So, with this time for transformation and the possibility for reinvention (or even just a good tweak here and there) imminent, how do I get out of this style rut? The blazer-skinny jeans-ballet flats no-brainer standby has become a daily uniform, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Surely a signature style should be a little bit more interesting? I see a lot of looks every day that are inspirational, on personal style blogs, streetstyle photos, in magazines, and I think I have interesting taste. So why do I feel like I'm always wearing the same old thing?

How do you dig yourselves out of a fashion rut?

image via i love wildfox